The Drama Festival shall be open to all amateur groups. An amateur is defined as a person whose main income is not earned through acting.
Note: Although all players must be amateur, it is permissible for an entrant to engage the services of a professional producer. A youth player is defined as under 19 years old at the start of the festival.
The dramatic work offered by any entrant must be a one-act play or extract from a longer play, provided that the extract is intelligible to the audience. It must not be less than twenty minutes or exceed fifty-five minutes in performance. Should time be spent in changing the scene in the course of the performance, this time will count as playing time.
Each group may submit up to three entries. The Festival Committee reserves the right to restrict the number of entries, and in this case, the group concerned will be allowed a reasonable time to decide which play/s will be withdrawn.
The performance shall have a minimum of two speaking parts on stage.
Each company must be responsible for the payment of royalties and the necessary authorisation to perform the play MUST be produced BEFORE presentation. If the text of a script has been altered in any way for the performance, proof of the author’s permission must be provided.
Any copyright recorded speech or projection of film or TV material can be used as long as proof of permission is produced.
Each company must submit two copies (one may be a photocopy, subject to copyright restrictions) of its play (or a written synopsis in the case of improvisations) at least twenty two days before the start of the Festival for the use of the adjudicator and Festival Committee, together with a cast list and lighting plot. Play copies will be returned after the Festival.
The order in which plays will be performed will be decided, as far as possible, in accordance with the wishes of the groups concerned but the final decision will rest with the Festival Committee.
Entry fees shall be as decided by the Totton Drama Festival Committee.
No scene may take more than ten minutes to set and five minutes to strike. These times are in addition to the playing time allowed in Rule 2.
The penalties for not keeping within the allotted times for performance setting or striking shall be as follows:
All groups should have their own Child Protection Policies and act accordingly. Please note that, due to limited space, the Totton Drama Festival Committee cannot guarantee segregated dressing rooms for a company.
Each group will have the opportunity to inspect the stage at the scheduled producers meeting prior to the Festival.
All scenery, hand and small properties and any special technical equipment MUST be provided by each company but the Totton Drama Festival Committee cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to any item, including personal property
Groups must give advanced notice of any special technical equipment or effects (ie pistol shots, strobe lighting etc). Any special effects must conform to the venue regulations.
The decision of the adjudicator regarding the merit of the performances shall be final.
Curtain calls are not allowed.
Decisions regarding the interpretation of the rules relating to the running of the Festival rests with the Festival Committee. The Festival Committee reserve the right to not award trophies if the adjudicator feels the appropriate standard has not been reached.
Note: If your group is opting to go forward to the next round, please ensure that you comply with the All England Theatre Festival Rules.